I know, some of these I have already uploaded. But I will do it again cause I think they are brilliant. There´s still more to come though. These are just the small pictures, the bigger ones I havn´t got yet. Pictures by Jonas Mattsson www.subvertmedia.net
I havn´t had much time for blogging for a couple of days. The theater takes all my time. I´m wondering what I´m going to do when it´s over. We only have two more shows to go. Sunday & Monday...
I have got so much schoolwork to catch up on. And then there´s work. There´s been so much going on, I havn´t had time to look for a job. I sometimes work weekends at a bar, but that´s only when they need me. I need some place where I can actually work for a living, at least through the summer. I´m thinking of calling my old employer, but I really don´t want to go back. But they always need people, and they know that I know the job and do it well. But I am just so sick of it. Working at this bar has been so liberating, because it´s something new, something different. I need to feel that I am moving forward in some way. Even if I got better payed at my other work, I´m at least moving on.
Where did time go? It´s already summer. Everything is just running through my fingers...
www.subvertmedia.net <---------Jonas Mattsson
Du är makalöst vacker naken och jag tycker om dina blder från skogen. En eloge till din fotograf också, naturligtvis.