
Increased Terror with Fort Zombie

I dreamed about zombies last night. Woke up this morning really scared. Quite pathetic, but it was a really weird dream. Niclas and I were stuck in our apartment and there were zombies outside as far as the eye could see. So I woke up early this morning and had to go and lock the door. Of course I know there are no zombies in real life. But my dream was so convincing. I had to walk around my apartment a couple of times, check my e-mail and facebook to calm myself down. I felt really silly..

It made me think of this video I was in last summer. It´s a prank trailer for a computer game called Fort Zombie by Paradox Interactive. We shot it during last years Zombie Walk in Stockholm. A couple of friends of mine work for Paradox.


Sanna Skerdén

Summer is coming and my time still seems to be running short. After all these performances with the theater (that went great by the way!) I´ve got a whole load of work to do. And I need to find something to do during summer. Lately i´ve been working weekends as I go to school during the weekdays, but now I have to find a proper job for the summer, which I should have done ages ago, but time sort of ran through my fingers. It is already summer. But I´ve got a couple of leads.. we´ll see...

Today I have been rehearsing with Daltone. A Swedish rapper who is having his record release on Tuesday (1st of June). I am singing on one of his songs on the record and will be playing with him on the release night at Pet Sounds Bar. I enjoy it even if it isn´t really my type of music. A apreciate a lot of hip hop, but I don´t really listen to it. But it´s fun!

These pictures are from last summer. The second time in my life that I did modeling. The photographer is a really nice girl called Sanna Skerdén. I love her work and am really impressed by it. Also I think the world needs more good female photographers. There doesn´t seem to be many out there. I´d love to model for her again. Some of her stuff is really amazing.



Time again.

I know, some of these I have already uploaded. But I will do it again cause I think they are brilliant. There´s still more to come though. These are just the small pictures, the bigger ones I havn´t got yet. Pictures by Jonas Mattsson www.subvertmedia.net

I havn´t had much time for blogging for a couple of days. The theater takes all my time. I´m wondering what I´m going to do when it´s over. We only have two more shows to go. Sunday & Monday...
I have got so much schoolwork to catch up on. And then there´s work. There´s been so much going on, I havn´t had time to look for a job. I sometimes work weekends at a bar, but that´s only when they need me. I need some place where I can actually work for a living, at least through the summer. I´m thinking of calling my old employer, but I really don´t want to go back. But they always need people, and they know that I know the job and do it well. But I am just so sick of it. Working at this bar has been so liberating, because it´s something new, something different. I need to feel that I am moving forward in some way. Even if I got better payed at my other work, I´m at least moving on.

Where did time go? It´s already summer. Everything is just running through my fingers...

www.subvertmedia.net <---------Jonas Mattsson


School stuff...

School work and house cleaning today. Also I heard from Jonas that he has been to town to develop the pictures in colour . Looking forward to Wednesday when i get to see them...

Also I got a phone call from Emanuelle saying that the Swedish ABC-News will be coming to our rehearsal tomorrow!!! So watch the big box! :)

Just realized that my computer wants me to write in American English, which is pretty annoying...

Had a row over the e-mail with one of my teachers. I´m taking an internet course in Literature, and have been trying to get hold of him for ages. At last I have, and he claims that the address which I´ve been writing to has been down for years. But I got an e-mail from that very same address welcoming me to the course... And that was a month ago! I hate it when teachers take things personally, I just want help and answers to my questions, that´s all. And if it is an internet course as this is, it would be helpful to have the right e-mail address... FRUSTRATION

And! On top of that, one of my windows has cracked! Don´t know how it happened because I´ve never even opened it. When we moved in to our apartment one of the other windows were cracked in the same way, and we were the first to even live here. So I´m thinking maybe they´ve been cheating when they´ve been building the place?

Photos by me. The model is my sister. For an assignment in school. We are supposed to do cd cases... I chose Hell On Wheels because a friend of mine plays with them. All names of songs are real, the actual album exists, but doesn't look like this...


A few pictures from a photo shoot with Anders Larsson (http://home.swipnet.se/anders-bildmakare/) and makeup artist Kajsa Edbom.
Edited by me. Enjoy!
Anders is a great photographer and friend. Lovely working with him. This is the second time I´ve been shooting with him. He is an extremely nice and warm person, full of ideas and passionate for what he is doing. It was great fun working with Kajsa too. She had this piece of checked material and wanted to do something with it, and this is the result. This is the firt time I´ve been doing makeup/beauty shots. Great fun! Kajsa is really talented.

I am still waiting with great expectations for the photos from my and Anders first photo shoot. I´m sure the pictures will be absolutely amazing. They are now in the hands of a graphic designer Eugenia, who is now working with them. Won´t tell you more than that. But I can assure you, it´s worth the waiting...

Time time...

It´s alla coming to an end. Or at least it should. School is soon over, but I´ve got LOADS to catch up on. And suddenly I just have no time! I thought I always used to have loads. Now time just runns through my fingers.

With the premier for our theater just round the corner (Now on Saturday 15th), my nerves are starting to make themselves reminded. (Can you say that in English? Göra sig påminda...)
I think it´s good for me to write in English, I do it so seldom otherwise.

I really should go through a couple of photos, I´ve told Johan I´d do it, ages ago. But then there is time again..

Also I should meet up with Armand and make some music. (I´m actually making music again! It´s great! I´ve been missing it so much!) We said we would meet again soon, and that was about a month ago, this theater thing has come in the way for everything.
But it´s great fun! If anyone wants to come, you can buy tickets on ticknet.se (just search for "Lea").

I say like First Floor Power: Time time, you never had it.
Just now I´d like another life, just to get more time. If I could just split myself in two...

Photos are by Johan Margulis (love the one with my cat! We tried to throw her out of the room, but she just wanted to be part of all the fun!)



Så just nu läser jag Foto B på komvux. Det är en hemsk kurs. Mest för att jag redan kan allt och för att det finns idioter i min klass som spenderar/slösar hela lektionen på att fråga och inte förstå vad skillnaden på ett montage och en manipulation är. Hm...gick tidigare från skolan idag pga denna diskussion... Tidigare har jag i alla fall haft Love och Niklas i min klass att prata med och utbyta menande blickar med när lektionerna blir för långtråkiga. Men de har slutat dyka upp för att de tycker lektionerna är så tråkiga. Man kan nämnligen "jobba hemifrån" om man mailar in och säger det. Borde kanske göra det jag med, men det har hänt att jag faktiskt missat viktiga saker när jag gjort det tidigare. Nåväl, det är bara två veckor kvar på kursen... Jag måste bara komma på någonting att fota till mitt slutprojekt, det skall vara dokumentärfoto.

Bilderna är av på min syster Clara, fotade av mig som slutprojekt till Foto A. Jag föredrar utomhusbilder framför studio egentligen, men jag är inte så bra på det än. Blev rätt nöjd med dessa bilder, dock insåg jag i efterhand att det kanske var lite platt ljus, men Clara gör en exceptionell prestation!

Tredje gången gillt!

Ja, så det här blir mitt tredje och sista försök till att skaffa mig en blogg. Tidigare har jag velat vara anonym, men eftersom att läsarna då var 0, så tröttnade jag fort. Det är såklart roligt att skriva bara för att skriva. Men lite feedback är ju alltid kul att få...

Så... Tanken var att detta skulle bli min fotoblogg. Inte enbart foto, men till stor del. So we beggin. Välkommen!

(Bilderna är tagna av en fotograf på Svensk Damtidning för typ 100 år sedan. Minns inte vad han hette längre, men det var när jag bode hos Niki. Hennes mamma övertalade mig att jag skulle komma till hennes kontor på svensk damtidning och bli fotad. Och så stundades min fotokarriär. Härliga tider...)