I must be the most impatient person in the world. I love secrets, but I always destroy them for myself. If anyone is keeping a secret I can taunt that person forever, guessing and guessing. I have even as a grown up opened my birthday presents before my birthday, and then packed them up again so I can open them again later... I am terrible at this. I am really good at keeping secrets though. I am not the one that blabbes. The problem is I never get surprises, because people know I always destroy them. But I love surprises! My dream is that someone will one day organize a surprise party for me... Every year at my birthday I hope for this to happen...
Anyhow. Just realized it is only two days since the photo shoot with Sanna. It feels like ages... I know it takes time to fix the photos. And I keep telling myself this but it doesn't work on me. :S
Well well... We had a great day anyway. Saturday. I'm amazed how long time everything takes. Time just run through your fingers and all of a sudden it's dark! Well that probably means we had a good time though doesn't it? Untill I get some photos I'll keep you satisfied with some backstage pics! :) (Or keep me satisfied, not sure...)

We started out at my place and Jenny did the makeup. This is NOT a good picture of me though. I always get what I call The Skaleman Throat. Skaleman is a tortuous from Bamse. Just google ok. You Swedes will know though...

Sanna fell in love with my cats. Well who doesn't? They are quite charming I must admit. Well, most of the time anyway... These photos are of course taken by the great artist herself. Not by me that is. ;) This is my cat Saskia. (aka Saskiaboll, bollen, bullen, bullbit and so on. As we say: "Kärt barn har många namn")

This is my cat Samson (aka Samsonit, Niten, Svanson) licking his precious non existing balls. Charming...

We arrived at our location (Erstaviksbadet) and met this young man. Felix. He is a photographer too and helped out Sanna with some of the technical stuff. I had baked some cookies, so the first thing we did was eat a couple and drink some coffee in the sun. Very nice. I was verry up for a swim at this point. Kind of changed my mind later though... but it was fun. :) (And cold!)

The lake....

Clearing up the scenery. Beer cans and stuff. Jenny is holding on to me so I don't trip and die. Which of course I did anyway. But that was sort of the whole point...

Balancing away over underwater tree trunks and goo... Trying not to fall...

My rebirth. Very wet and very cold... Jenny helps me undress and dress.

The great artist herself! (And me putting on my bra in the background. Nice.)

Group pics! Sanna, Jenny, me & Felix.

Oh va mysigt!