Ok, if anyone is wondering what all this is about:
This week I read a couple of short stories about nightmares. I thought I would right one myself but I haven't really got that far yet. I rarely dream nightmares. But when I do it is mostly when Niclas and I have had a fight and I dream he leaves me. I also do have a fever dream that repeats itself over and over when ever I have a fever. I never remember it's contents though except that it is about time.
Last night I had the weirdest dream. (I always remember a lot of details)
I was in a war against some orchs, and Bellatrix Lestrange (from Harry Potter) was in it and skipping around singing like mad like she does.
I was in the village where my grandparents used to live, out in the English countryside, only it was called "Camelot". I was doing cross country with my friends Olle and Boel so we left the village of Camelot and arrived in the next village called "Camelot Castle" where we checked in at the local in called "The Prancing Pony". There we met Bellatrix again. I turned into a guy (a knight in shining armour actually) and managed to flirt with Mrs Bellatrix and talk her in to introducing me to her husband who was a bad guy locked in a tower.
Also I met my friends Hanna & Anders who were really sad because their son Hugo had in some way been kidnapped by Borka (you know the bandit from Ronja Rövardotter by Astrid Lindgren)
Cant remember much more. But you get the picture. I have pretty interesting dreams...
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