

After drinking a bit to much tequila at Kattis place yesterday Niclas and I woke this morning (more afternoon...) quite hungover. We decided we had the fantastic advantage of owning The Hungoevr Coobkook that I bought for Niclas for Christmas.

After completing the test to identify our diagnosis we came to tha conclusion that Niclas had the Atomic hangover and I had the Cosmic hangover. We decided to combine the recipes from both chapters and ended up with a lemon lassie for my cosmic hangover and a potato hash with avocado and bacon (except we replaced the bacon with halloumi) for Niclas atomic hangover.

True enough the lemon lassi was perfect for me. I tend to be the "cosmic" type and prefer a light breakfast/brunch whenever I'm hungover. The potato hash was really good too though. Suddenly having a hangover isn't at all that bad but actually quite nice...

Bon appétit! (click for larger pictures) xxx /G


  1. vilken häftig grej. jag hade gärna haft den boken hemma. väldigt söt.

  2. ÅH VAD DET DÄR SER GOTT UT. mums. jag är hungrig.
