
I wish I was in New Orleans...

Today I felt completely free and in control of myself. I think it must be the sun and the twittering of birds that is doing it... I found myself walking from Stureplan to Odelplan with a smile on my face. It's all going to be good. I am impressing myself with the school work I've been doing. Just reading mainly, but I have a hard time reading non-fiction. It's getting easier and easier though. I think it is all about what you are used to reading, and I think I'm getting used to it.

I met my friend Karla today for lunch. She seems to be a busy woman. I wish we would hang out more often. Today was really good. She is leaving to go back to the states and live in New Orleans for a while. I wish she would stay. I would love to come and visit her in New Orleans, i've always wanted to go. But i know I'll never get the opportunity. I can't see myself having the money, at least not if we don't move. And also, I can't see myself having the time. Now that I attend university I feel I was a bit spoiled before having 5 breaks from school per year (sportlov, påsklov, sommarlov, höstlov, jullov), now I only have two breaks. Christmas holidays and summer holidays. And I'll probably have to work...

For some reason the Tom Waits song "Oh I wish I was in New Orleans, I can see it in my dreams..." started going round and round in my head. I wonder why...


  1. Själv hade jag glömt att det var så många lov i skolan. Jag är ju van att jobba då man får några veckor på sommaren. Vanligast är väl tre, sen fortsätta jobba igen.

    Jag älskar den där filmen. Det är en av mina absoluta favoriter. Tror jag bloggat om den ett dussin gånger för att jag aldrig kan släppa den. När jag såg den första gången så ville jag läsa varenda bok i världen ungefär.

    Jag har faktiskt varit i New Orleans innan Katrina. Nu har jag ingen aning om hur det ser ut där. Men jag minns att arkitekturen var helt fantastisk. Det ligger verkligen en härlig känsla där. Även om jag inte fullt förstod mig på det då. Jag skulle verkligen vilja åka dit igen. :)
