
The rococo drow warrior with elephant legs...

Hello darlings..
This week is completely mad. It seems like when ever i actually have time to write i am completely wrecked! Like today.

I had a great day though. Today I played along in the dark room at school for 7 hours! I didn't realize I had been there that long until I had to leave and hurry home. It was my second time ever in a dark room, last time was about 5 years ago. But I got some quite good photos in the end. I will see if I can scan them for you later...

Hurried home, ate lunch on the tube (a really boring sandwich I bought, it served as lunch and dinner), had a ten minute bath and hurried off to a photo shoot for the fantasy calendar again. This time I was a Drow and got to play with swards. Still haven't seen pictures from the other two photo shoots for the calendar though. They are still at the graphic designer, but I've heard rumours that one of the pictures is almost finished... Not sure if I can publish it here though until the actual calendar has been published. But I'll ask.

Oh and by the way. As usual i was appointed the role of the "noble" Drow. I don't know what it is but I ALWAYS get to play the nice girl or the noble. HAHA

But come on! I want to play bad-ass! Well at least I got to handle some swards while looking like Marie Antoinette... (shown in picture above.)

Got home around 11 pm dead tired. I tried to watch a film but I'm too tired even for that... I really should sleep, but Niclas will probably be home in half an hour so I'm trying to stay awake anyway. What I really should be doing is finishing me essay. I am almost done. But I decided to do that tomorrow morning instead.

My legs feel like something belonging to an elephant. They are already sleeping. I think I should join them soon...


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